Clearview Counselling Professional Trauma Counselling in Sittingbourne, Kent

I help adults recover from trauma; releasing them from feeling hostage to what happened so they can reclaim life and without the need for medication.

...Have you been impacted by a shock trauma such as a major accident, natural disaster, assault?...

...Have you been the vicitm of developmental trauma such as abuse, neglect, chronic adversity?...

...Maybe you are the victim of domestic violence, coercion & control, bullying?... 

...Is your trauma related to a medical procedure, adverse community environments, chronic stress?... 

...Perhaps you've been traumatised vicariously having heard of or witnessed something distressing?...


There are a wide range of experiences that can be traumatising and adversely impact us.  Whatever your situation, you’ve come to the right place! 


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I think my clients are a lot like you.  They too wanted to do ‘normal’ things: enjoy fun times with friends, go to work, enjoy relationships, as well as completing everyday chores. However, trauma put pay to this, severely limiting and often, completely stopping them in their tracks. Plagued by feelings such as fear, shame, guilt and worthlessness, thoughts of ‘not wanting to be here’ were not uncommon.  Many believed they were too broken to heal -  they were too bad or too mad and things could never improve. 

Day to day functioning felt overwhelmingFlashbacks, nightmares and constantly looking over their shoulder, everything and everyone felt unsafe.   They hoped as time passed things would improve but it didn’t.  Day to day functioning felt exhausting and no matter what coping and self-soothing strategies they tried, nothing changed long term.  They felt powerless and held hostage by what had happened to them.  They felt stuck.  

The turnaround came when they engaged with trauma counselling.  Working with Clearview Counselling Sittingbourne, they learned trauma isn’t about what happened to them, but what happened inside of them as a result of their experiences.  They better understood how trauma impacts the brain and the body.  They understood they were not weak, bad or broken, they were normal!

They learned to manage and respond to their trauma symptoms rather than react from a place of fear.  They went from a world in which they felt fear, isolation and powerlessness to one where they feel hope, connection and can see a better future.  

Things look and feel very differently now for them and they can for you too.  I am proud to say I have successfully worked with many clients; educating, supporting and empowering them as they heal and move towards a robust recovery. I’m here to support you too so drop me a line today, I’m here to help.



Face to Face Counselling
Clearview Counselling Sittingbourne is conveniently located just 10 mins drives from the town.  Situated in a private residential setting, the rural setting  offers peace and tranquillity . Car parking is free and readily available immediately outside. Click here to see the map.

Online Counselling
I offer sessions via video call, instant messenger live chat, email exchanges - whatever is most appropriate for you. Click here to find out more.

The Rewind Technique
A quick and highly effective technique to stop the re experiencing of traumatic events. Click here to find out more.

I offer clinical supervision for Counsellors and those outside the profession.  For more details click here.


Why Choose Clearview Counselling?

With my specific training and experience you can feel assured you are working with a Counsellor who has an in depth understanding of the specific issues and complexities that trauma brings.

I am accustomed to hearing harrowing things and can 'hold' whatever you bring so you talk about anything without having to worry that it’s too awful or too much, thereby giving you the space to talk freely. 

Having specific training to work online, I am aware of the additional considerations working virtually brings giving you the assurance I understand potential pitfalls and we are working safely and in your best interests at all times. 

Working with Clearview Counselling means you won’t have to wait months for an NHS or a charitable counsellor to become available so you can start to feel better quicker.

Being an independent practitioner gives you the assurance any time you make contact it is with myself only thereby allaying any anxiety about speaking with strangers.

Testimonials from previous clients demonstrate that recovery is possible.  My clients have been able to heal and are feeling much better so you know it's possible for you too.

Being a accredited member of the BACP and ACTO confirms my training, qualifications, and adherence to their Ethical Frameworks. This along with being registered with the Information Commissioners Office, being DBS checked and holding the appropriate professional insurance means you can be confident that I am meeting professional and ethical standards at all times.


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